Health Technology Innovation Platform (HTIP)

Help Expand Timely Patient Access to Innovative Therapies

HTIP is a public-private partnership focused on developing and piloting innovative agreements in Canada. But that’s just the start of our work.

Our Critical Mission

We help stakeholders navigate the complexities of investment and reinvestment decisions so Canadian patients can access innovative therapies.

Our Objectives


uncertainty and manage risk for payers and the innovative pharmaceutical industry.


timely adoption of innovative therapies by helping address clinical and budget uncertainties.


value-based investment and reinvestment decision making amongst and for all stakeholders.


a pro-innovation health technology ecosystem across Canada.


policy dialogue between technology developers, governments and healthcare payers.

Our 2024–25 Priorities

HTIP is leading the co-creation, testing and implementation of a robust suite of materials and processes to support innovative funding agreements in Canada.

Development of an Outcomes-Based Agreement (OBA) Playbook

The OBA Playbook will enable strategic action by simplifying the decision-making landscape for manufacturers, regulators, payers, and patient and provider representatives. It will be a practical, actionable way to help get innovative new therapies to patients. The collective innovation model will also ensure all stakeholder groups benefit from our work together.

Piloting the OBA Playbook

As the Playbook is developed, we’ll move into the implementation phase of our work. This includes identifying key OBA opportunities where the Playbook can be put into action, along with an iterative, flexible approach to testing and evolving it.

How we support OBA Playbook development – and our stakeholders

Insights & Tools

Our ongoing work synthesizing and distributing research and other critical inputs, as well as developing decision support tools, enables Playbook development and ensures our stakeholders can make informed, practical and timely decisions.

Policy & Practice

We run and facilitates consensus panels, policy roundtables, workshops and other events for a broad cross-section of public and private stakeholders.

Partnerships & Accountability

We facilitate dialogue and alignment between public-private stakeholders so we can collectively advance innovation. We regularly evaluate the impact of our work together to ensure continuing relevance and value.

How to Get Involved with HTIP

If you’re a stakeholder in any of the groups below with an interest in helping to develop or use the OBA Playbook or our other offerings, please reach out to start a conversation.

Federal, Provincial
& Territorial


& Health Tech



& Researchers

& Families


Our Past, Present & Future

2018 – 2019

Development of HTIP’s Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Before HTIP was formally launched, we gathered public and private stakeholders interested in collaborating on priority policy topics – all with a goal of facilitating more timely patient access to innovative therapies.


HTIP Launches

HTIP was formally launched in 2020 and our work together began.

2020 – 2024

Building the Foundation

The initial phase of our work together involved synthesizing evidence and creating the theoretical foundation we needed to eventually develop a practical OBA Playbook. This included research, analysis, and synthesis of best practices in innovative agreements and real-world evidence to support the development and approval of new therapies.

2024 – 2025

Development of the OBA Playbook

Our work has shifted to the creation and testing of a robust suite of materials and processes to facilitate innovative funding agreements in Canada – which form the basis of an OBA Playbook.


Playbook Implementation

In 2025, we expect to begin applying the Playbook to practical, real world therapies, while using our ongoing learnings to regularly update the Playbook.

2026 & Beyond

Scaling Innovation

As we iterate and improve on the Playbook and gather insights from its practical application, we’ll then apply our innovative approach to other areas of healthcare access.

About IHE

HTIP is facilitated by the Institute of Health Economics (IHE), a neutral, independent non-profit organization.

The IHE has key competencies in health economics, health technology assessment and knowledge transfer/exchange. Our mission is to consistently provide relevant, timely and impactful evidence that supports informed health system policy and investment decisions by public and private partners.


Interested in getting involved? Have questions? Fill in the form and our team will be in touch shortly.

Contact Form
Kate Harback, PhD

CEO and Executive Director, IHE

Rebeccah Marsh, PhD, CE

 Director, HTIP

Elaine Plamondon

Project Coordinator, HTIP